princess' diaries
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lazy thoughts
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Friday, 30 December 2005
good dogs, bad owners
Mood:  irritated
Topic: lazy thoughts

there's no such thing as 'BAD' dogs...there's only BAD owners! why are the innocent ones that are being punished?
any domestic pets can be dangerous, due to irresponsible ownership, or improper training. domestic pets are like kids: they are always over-excited, playful, and sometimes, very noisy. all they want is to have fun. they don't have much social etiquette, because kids' & animals' I.Q/ E.Q aren't as developed yet. don't measure domestic pets with your yardstick. pets are family. please don't assume that dogs are just animals, tho' i know some people may not comprehend it. if our family pet is lost, we grieve like our child is lost too. it's the same pain.
not ALL strays attack people or other animals.
i've seen more strays being victims of physical abuse. the cats were being splashed with boiling water by adults; kids using bamboo poles to whack bigger dogs (and their parents were laughing approvingly); dogs & cats/ kittens being kicked in the stomach by human beings; giving pigeons/ black birds with poison feeds... AND THESE PEOPLE GOT AWAY WITH IT. IS IT FAIR?
the SPCA has put in alot of effort for so many years to educate the public. i hope we will not stay ignorant any longer. its the deed, not the breed!
most of the dogs that were euthanized hasn't done any wrongs.

Posted by xiaofoo at 17:19 WST
Updated: Saturday, 31 December 2005 00:32 WST
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Sunday, 5 February 2006 - 11:01 WST

Name: danabelle

wow..i look @ the video tat u's was really blew me away..i wonder why do the animals are called monster and etc..where in real life they are just animals..even though i dont quite understand the meaning of bsl..that video moved me..
ps..i m a malay & tat doesnt give me the right 2 hate dogs..

Sunday, 5 February 2006 - 14:55 WST

Name: xiaofoo

thank you ,danabelle. you make this comments more wothwhile. i'm glad that you are so compassionate towards animals, especially dogs.
i know a minority dog owners make 'all' dog owners look bad, wthout disposing the dogs' poo properly. some dog owners thought that by feeding their dogs, the dogs will 'behave appropriately' on all occasions. (many dog owners are often oblivious to the responsibilties involved too.)
dogs are just like all animals & pets. they do no have the same thinking process as human beings, but most of the time, we judge them by our yardstick.
it's a dog's instincts to bark, to chase ,to react to noises & moving objects.most pet dogs are harmless, many stereotype them as being 'vicious' or trying to bite.
most of the time, princess love to get near strangers because she wants their affections & attention. of coz, as a dog owner, i have to be aware of her habits. i can't train her not to go near strangers, coz that will make her confuse whether to be nice or aggressive to strangers. therefore, i have to lease her & 'select' her preferences, as we stay in singapore, and i have to respect other religion & culture.
that said, i seek permission from this animals' awareness group (bsl) for this video. because, in certain states (usa), they passed a law to euthanized certain breeds of dog, due to few cases of dogs attacking people. as usual, many ignorant people will react to those vicious attacks, thinking that 'all' or 'certain breeds' of dogs are like that. but, it doesn't justify by passing a law, trying to euthanize the whole breed. these responsible dog owners are being punished by few irresponsible owners. i mean, come on, they should euthanize serial killers 1st. the figures are higher than the the few cases of dog attack.
anyway, i will not go into their political issues.
princess' diaries are just a decent 'comic' for all. my purpose is to document princess' daily issues, but see it in a different angle. a normal walk with a pet can be interesting & fun! i believe in counting our blessings.
the issues i bring up are normally dog abuse related.
have a great day...hope you'll read up on princess' diaries often!

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